Already Va€€inated, Injured, Spike Protein Detox Protocol

Before booking protocols I would love to have a FREE discovery call with you to make sure that this is the right protocol for you.


  •  a free initial Discovery Call of 15 mins to see if working together is a match.
  • a Naturopathic Consultation of 1.5 hrs so I can understand your full medical history and health goals.
  • a Follow-up Call where we will review your progress on the protocol and i will give you clear instructions as to how to move forward with the recommendations given. 

Moving forward, regular reassessments for  symptom tracking, new lab tests or questions, can be looked at by booking a Follow-up call.

Medicines are sold separately.

PRICE $250

Disclaimer: By providing the information contained herein, we are not diagnosing, treating, curing,
mitigating, or preventing any type of disease or medical condition. Before beginning any type of
natural, integrative or conventional treatment regimen, it is advisable to seek the advice of a
licensed healthcare professional. This is not intended as medical advice.
This is how I cleanse myself!

This is a Holistic Protocol to utilizing Nutraceuticals and Pharmaceuticals to clear Spike Protein from the body, Prevent Damage from Spike Protein and Derivatives due to Vaccination, accelerate clearance of and protect from Viral Shedding.


1. Reduce Inflammation
2. Reduce Blood Clots
3. Boost Immune Response
4. Improve cellular oxygenation
5. Improve neuroprotection

Before booking protocols I would love to have a FREE discovery call with you to make sure that this is the right protocol for you.