8 Week Antiparasitic and Gut Reset Coaching Program

Before booking protocols I would love to have a FREE discovery call with you to make sure that this is the right protocol for you.


  •  a free initial Discovery Call of 15 mins to see if working together is a match.
  • a Naturopathic Consultation of 1.5 hrs so I can understand your full medical history and health goals.
  • a Follow-up Call where we will review your progress on the protocol and i will give you clear instructions as to how to move forward with the recommendations given. 

Moving forward, regular reassessments for  symptom tracking, new lab tests or questions, can be looked at by booking a Follow-up call.

Medicines are sold separately.

PRICE $500

Disclaimer: By providing the information contained herein, we are not diagnosing, treating, curing,
mitigating, or preventing any type of disease or medical condition. Before beginning any type of
natural, integrative or conventional treatment regimen, it is advisable to seek the advice of a
licensed healthcare professional. This is not intended as medical advice.
This is how I cleanse myself!

Parasitic Infestations in Humans

Parasites are microorganisms that live on or within another organism, known as the host, to obtain protection, nutrition or reproduction, at the host’s expense.

Parasitic infestations are a widespread issue affecting millions of people globally, and there are various types of parasites that can infect humans causing health problems.

Parasites can live inside you for YEARS before causing symptoms! Parasites can be an underlying contributing factor to many chronic health problems and a big reason why previous attempts at healing have been unsuccessful.

When symptoms do begin to emerge, they often get overlooked due to insensitive and outdated testing methods. For example, to send a specimen off to a regular lab and get a negative test result does not rule out a parasite problem.

Types of Parasites Affecting Humans

Intestinal Parasites: These are the most common type of parasites affecting humans. Examples include tapeworms, hookworms, and roundworms. They can enter the body through contaminated food and water, poor hygiene, or through direct contact with contaminated soil.

Blood Parasites: These parasites are capable of invading the bloodstream and causing serious health problems. Examples include malaria, babesiosis, and leishmaniasis. They are primarily transmitted through the bites of infected insects, such as mosquitoes and ticks.

Skin Parasites: These parasites live on the skin and can cause itching and skin irritation. Examples include lice and scabies mites. They are usually transmitted through direct contact with an infected person or through shared clothing or bedding.

Incidence of Parasitic Infestations

The incidence of parasitic infestations varies depending on the type of parasite and geographical location. Developing countries, with poor sanitation and hygiene practices, are more affected compared to developed countries. People who have weak immune systems, such as young children, the elderly, and those with HIV/AIDS, are also at higher risk of parasitic infections.

There are hundreds of known parasites that infect humans and more are being discovered every year. Some are transmitted through insect bites, food/liquids, skin contact, or from pets/domesticated animals.

Parasitic infestation is much more common than people think, with millions of people globally infected with parasites each year. For example, Strongyloides infects 100 million people annually, Giardia infects 1 million in the US, Hookworm infects 576M-740 million people, 1.5 billion people are infected with
soil-transmitted helminths, and Toxoplasma infects 40 million in the US. More people die from parasite-related issues each year than any other disease or condition.

Worldwide, more people die every year from parasite related problems than any other disease or condition.

Impact of Parasites

Parasites can cause inflammation and destruction of tissues they inhabit. The different types of pathological changes caused by parasites may be due to mechanical trauma to cells, tissues, and organs; interference with the host’s nutrition; toxic waste products emitted by the parasite; and the host’s immune system’s inflammatory reaction.

Symptoms Produced by Parasites

Symptoms vary based on the type and severity of the infestation and can include abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, anemia, skin rashes, itching, and more severe problems like liver damage, blindness, and death.

Parasite Symptoms Questionnaire

Do I have parasites?

Do you experience any of these symptoms?
  • Abdominal pain
  • Allergies e.g. to dairy
  • Anemia which is persistent
  • Appetite changes like an increase or decrease in appetite, that is not linked to a change in activity levels
  • Bleeding gums
  • Brain fog: difficulty concentrating or persistent brain fog
  • Bumps appearing under the skin which may seem like lipomas
  • Constipation
  • Cancer (can also be due to yeast)
  • Diarrhea
  • Emotional instability e.g unexpected anxiety, depression, or nervousness
  • Feeling tired, persistent fatigue, lethargic, or apathetic without a clear reason
  • Fever
  • Foul smelling stool: (may be caused by protozoa)
  • Gas or bloating, aggravated by the consumption of hard to digest foods such as beans and non-organic meats
  • IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) – muscle spasms, intestinal blockage, and a mal-absorption of nutrients. Fatty substances in particular can be difficult to digest
  • Headaches
  • Immune dysfunction
  • Intimacy Issues: sexual health dysfunction, low libido
  • Joint and muscle aches
  • Leaky Gut
  • Loose, sticky, watery stools sometimes containing blood and mucus
  • Muscle and joint pain, not associated with exercise
  • Nausea
  • Night Sweats
  • Passing a worm in your stool
  • Rash or itching around the rectum or vulva
  • Recurrent infections e.g yeast infections or UTIs
  • Respiratory problems like difficulty breathing or shortness of breath.
  • SIB0 (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth)
  • Skin conditions – hives, rashes, weeping eczema, psoriasis, ulcers, swelling, sores, lesions, or dermatitis from waste products secreted by parasites
  • Sleep disorders: restless nights, insomnia
  • Stomach pain or tenderness
  • Sudden food sensitivities
  • Sugar cravings
  • Teeth grinding, clenching teeth in your sleep, TMJ issues
  • Tumors
  • Unexplained itchiness (itchy nose, ears, or anal areas)
  • Unusual cravings e.g an extreme desire for sweets
  • Vomiting
  • Weight loss unexplained
  • Weight gain along with yeast infection
  • White stool and abdominal pain (may indicate a blocked bile duct)

If you answered yes to even TWO, it’s worth doing my parasite protocol to rid yourself of them and transform your health for the better.
Remember, these symptoms can be associated with a range of other health issues, so please consult with your healthcare provider for a proper diagnosis.

Taking the Next steps:

If this questionnaire has inspired you to look deeper into your own health and find out if you might have parasites disturbing your wellbeing, click here to book a free parasite assessment Discovery Call with me.

How to Treat Parasitic Infections

The method of treating parasitic infections varies based on the parasite type and infestation severity. Typically, prescription drugs are necessary for successful treatment. Good hygiene, such as frequent hand washing, avoiding contaminated food/water, and using insect repellent, can help prevent future infections.

Parasitic infestations are widespread and affect many people globally. It’s crucial to know about different parasites, their symptoms, and the best treatment methods. By following preventive measures and seeking medical help promptly, parasitic infections can be managed effectively.

Digestive issues such as bloating, gas, abdominal pain, nausea, food intolerance, cramping, diarrhea, and constipation may indicate a parasite infestation. Consider investigating parasites as a root cause if you experience these symptoms.
Eliminate persistent gut problems by tackling parasites.

Treatment length varies from 4 months to 2 years and depends on the individual.

Tackle parasites to resolve persistent gut issues for good!

Testimonial D

D 7 years ago and D a few monthsago after beginning treatment.

I’ve been dealing with severe gut health and skin problems over the past 10 years or so. In that time, I made a massive amount of progress — I managed to heal my body 95% of the way or more. But that last 5%… man, that has been stubborn. 

Meeting Emily ended up being incredibly revealing and life changing for me. When I started telling her about my health history, she let me know that I should definitely do a parasite cleanse and that it could very well be the missing piece I’d been looking for. After doing some research, I learned she was right. Apparently it’s not possible to completely fix gut health problems, as has been my goal, if there are parasites in the body preventing that healing from taking place! Makes sense, right?

The funny part is, no one talks about it! In nearly 10 years of working on my gut and skin, working with multiple specialists… no one ever spoke to me about cleansing parasites until Emily. It’s something I had considered lightly a few years ago… but being from a 1st world country I thought, “nahh those things don’t happen here.

Well, what happened over the past 6 months has been incredible. I’ve removed TONS (hundreds) of unwanted guests from my body — both of the microscopic, and the visible variety. The net result is that all my inflammation markers have gone down massively, my skin has been better than it’s been in my adult life, and the food sensitivities that had been plaguing me for so long?

They just aren’t such an issue anymore. My body used to be unable to tolerate tons of different foods. From gluten and sugar to corn and yogurt and cheese… different vegetables… I was sensitive to a LOT. Now, I still avoid gluten and sugar just to be safe. But I haven’t been having any skin problems at all, and I’ve been eating SO much more freely. It feels incredible to not have to worry about every little detail of everything I ever eat.

I’m still in the latter stages of the cleansing process, since I had a pretty severe problem. But it’s completely changed my life already, and I’m excited for the future where I know I’m going to be better off forever without all this crap.

Incredibly grateful for Emily’s help and guidance. She’s super knowledgeable, friendly, and has probably answered over 100 questions for me without complaint LOL. I’d 100% recommend her services to anybody who’s struggling with mysterious health symptoms that they just can’t seem to figure out… especially if you live in a foreign country. But if you don’t, don’t think that you’re immune! I probably had some of my “unwanted guests” for years while living in the US.

I can confidently say that working with Emily is one of the best things I’ve ever done for myself.

Neurocysticercosis and cysticercosis (Tapeworms in the brain)

Case Study

Female nurse, 45 yrs old, booked in for assessment of her injuries and to learn practical solutions for the left side of her body and back issues.
I noticed the client’s darting eyes, inability to look me in the eyes and involuntary jaw movements upon meeting, so I took her complete medical history.
Her medical history revealed: weight loss, fatigue, digestive complaints, sleep disturbances; sugar cravings at night and needing to eat before bed or she couldn’t sleep, waking during night, neurological symptoms; pressure in the head, feeling off balance, dizziness and an increasing lack of coordination, muscle and joint weakness and stiffness.
Previous diagnosis – BPD, CPTSD, OCD, hypothyroidism (goiter and nodules), history of schizophrenia and mental illness in the family.
Current Medication – eye drops for eye strain
She had been feeling unwell for over a year and a half and had seen all the doctors in the hospital in which she worked, concluding in a diagnosis of Lupus. She had spent thousands of dollars and was getting worse.
None of the doctors suspected or had mentioned parasites.
For me, her symptoms pointed to parasitic infestation. It was the full moon that evening, so I recommended she go on the antiparasitic protocol. She said, “She’d try anything.”
Treatment – I put her on the Antiparasitic Protocol
After 4 days, her neurological symptoms exacerbated. As she was not clear in her mind, she delayed in reportng this to me.
I sent her immediately to a neurosurgeon who gave her a brain MRI scan. The MRI found two encysted tapeworms in the ventricles of her brain.
Diagnosis – Neurocysticercosis and Cysticercosis. Prescribed Alprazolam for depression and anxiety, a corticosteroid for the inflammation, and an antiparasitic that I had her on already.
I kept the client on the antiparasitic protocol I had recommended despite the neurosurgeon and an M.D advising the client to stop.
I have seen that M.D’s think a one and done approach will be effective. That is, one antiparasitic ingredient, one time, for three days. I have seen this to be ineffective.
The client trusted me and remained compliant.
Parasites were dying and the body was dissolving and removing the matter in any way it could. Lumps were appearing under the scalp, threads of parasites were coming out of her eyes and sinus cavity, she had rashes and lumps arise on her skin, her stool was showing pieces of tapeworm, eggs and egg sacks, mucus, biofilm and mucoid plaque. At moments she suffered constipation but her diet was not optimal. She was trying to do her best under stress.
Two months later, the client’s follow-up of her brain MRI was all clear!
Once given the all clear, the doctor showed the client that the cysts were gone and that the brain scans were normal. The doctor diagnosed the client with “delirium parasitosis” and said, “Ever since Covid he has seen a rise in delirium and paranoia. We are infecting ourselves with all the information and disinformation out there”.
Four months later, the client was able to look me in the eyes, hair was growing back, her complexion was glowing and her health had stabilized. She remained on the antiparasitic maintenance schedule for a year.
We had traced the onset of the illness back 3 yrs ago, where the client ate uncooked pork resulting in immediate vomiting and diarrhea. The tapeworm larvae had migrated to her brain and had been growing there ever since.
She had been misdiagnosed with Lupus Autoimmune Disorder.

Client Testimonials during the process

Taking the Next steps:

If this article has inspired you to look deeper into your own health and find out if you might have parasites disturbing your wellbeing, click here to book a free parasite assessment Discovery Call with me.