How To Prevent, Heal And Recover Faster From Injury
How To Heal Faster With Massage
For those of you looking for how to heal muscle injury faster, massage can do wonders. When your body has chronic tightness and tension on areas with a history of injury or overuse, there are usually adhesions (bands of painful, rigid tissue) that form in that area’s muscles, tendons, and ligaments. These adhesions can block circulation and cause pain, inflammation and limited mobility.
This is where Deep Tissue Massage comes in!

A wise man should consider that health is the greatest of human blessings, and learn how by his own thought to derive benefit from his illnesses ~Hippocrates
Deep tissue massage is the simple act of physically breaking down adhesions, usually by applying direct deep pressure or friction across the grain of the muscles. At the same time, adhesions are broken down by combining deep tissue massage, with myofascial release or trigger point therapy. These methods together help the blood and lymph to flow towards the affected area.
A systematic review of randomized clinical trials published in The Journal of Physiotherapy looked at 26 eligible randomized trials involving 2565 participants. Their aim was to see if massage therapy was effective for people looking for how to heal faster from musculoskeletal disorders when compared to other treatments or no treatment at all.
The study’s recognized outcomes in pain and function concluded that “massage therapy”, as a stand-alone treatment, reduces pain and improves function when compared to no treatment in some musculoskeletal conditions.
Another study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine sought to investigate the physiological and psychological effects of massage on DOMS delayed onset muscle soreness. The 18 individuals involved in the trial concluded that massage administered 2 hrs after exercise induced deep muscle injury did not improve hamstring function but did reduce the intensity of soreness 48 hrs after muscle insult.
A meta-analysis from 2017 evaluated the effects of massage on alleviating delayed onset of muscle soreness (DOMS) and muscle performance after strenuous exercise. The conclusions where that massage therapy is an effective treatment after strenuous exercise for alleviating DOMS and improving muscle performance.
My recommendation is to have a deep tissue massage about once per month (or even more if you’re able). During the best massage in Playa Del Carmen, I will work deep into your muscles and connective tissue, to keep your functional biomechanics optimal.

How To Heal Faster With Fascial Stretch Sessions
If you are feeling a lack of flexibility or muscle soreness and yoga or stretching is not helping, that is because these types of training are limited to the extent that they allow fascial sheaths to glide over one another and help muscle fibers relax.
When you are looking for how to heal faster from fascial adhesions, trigger points, deep muscle injury, scarring and contractions, common stretching will not release these specific areas. You will just need to release them precisely and systematically.
Once you visit my practice I can show you techniques that work. You will learn how to release your body at home and you will end up feeling as if you have just received an all over bodywork session.
During a study conducted by the School of Human Kinetic and Recreation on 20 males, the aim was to analyze the effectiveness of foam rolling after an intense bout of physical activity. The study’s conclusion was that foam rolling was beneficial in reducing muscle soreness, while also improving jump height, muscle activation and passive and dynamic ROM. Compared to the control group, it indicated that the benefits are through nerve responses and connective tissue.
Book a Fascial Stretch Session for mobility training. Learn how to heal faster and add a new skill to your injury prevention and recovery protocol that will stay with you for life!

Deep Muscle Injury Recovery
How To Heal Faster Through Movement
As long as your doc gives you the ok, start moving as soon as you are able. As Erik Dalton says, “Motion is Lotion”.
Walking is one of the simplest, most fundamental ways to get the blood flowing and get your joints lubricated. It also applies a low-level stimulus to your musculoskeletal system.
That means that pretty much everyone can walk. If you have access to hills, even better. Walk up and down hills as often as possible. A brisk uphill walk is a legitimate way to build strength and endurance.
If you have injured your shoulder and are looking for how to heal faster, continue to train your lower body, and the good shoulder. If you have injured a leg, try single leg squats to train your good leg.
While it’s definitely “better” to train your entire body, training just a single body part or limb is better than doing nothing. It sends a signal to your body that you haven’t given up, that you still need your metabolically active muscle mass.
Mark Sisson advises, “The quicker you can get back to normal movement, the better. Normal movement, not normal speed. Quality over everything. For instance, say you sprain your ankle. The best thing you can do to recover is to start walking on it with good technique. Once you can walk with good form, however slow you go, get walking. Walk without a limp, even if it’s 1 MPH. Walk without a limp, even if you have to use crutches or a cane to bear some of the load. Don’t roll onto the outside of your bad foot. Don’t play that foot out like a duck to avoid the pain. The point is moving—and moving well.”
When beginning to move after a deep muscle injury, it is wise to be more mindful so that you are able to distinguish between normal soreness and pain.
When looking for how to heal faster from an injury or just getting back into exercising, you want to avoid pain. Sharp pains in the joints, strains and tendons that you can feel even for days are not okay. Please come see me for an assessment to check if the message is appropriate for your condition or if I need to refer you to another physician or therapist.
After an intense training you will and should feel discomfort. Muscle soreness after a session is fine. It’s normal. Burning in the muscle during a session is fine too. Pain is not normal. Avoid pain, as there is no need to push the body beyond its limits. In yoga, we call this principle Ahimsha which translates to nonviolence. Be gentle with yourself!
Bodyweight exercises are totally sufficient for most people. It’s all about the amount of work you’re willing to do and the amount of effort you’re willing to give. In fact, you
could build incredible strength and general fitness simply using bodyweight exercises plus some weighted resistance for the lower body.
Start with basic movements: knee flexion (squat, lunge, split squat), hip hinge (deadlift, kettlebell swing, trap bar DL), push (pushup, overhead press, dip), pull (pullup, chinup, row variations) with bodyweight to begin with.
For people looking for how to heal faster, I often recommend starting with Pilates classes after an injury because this type of training carefully isolates specific muscle groups by using resistance and paying attention to correct posture. If you think these classes are lame, just try one and see for yourself! You will definitely feel the burn.
How To Heal Faster Through Dietary Interventions
What is the optimal diet when looking for how to heal faster?
That is a really good question. The right diet for you will depend on your genetic disposition, food allergies or sensitivities, your health goals, and your current state of health.
I am a proponent of the ketogenic diet for many reasons. One being that the ketone bodies that are produced in a ketogenic state are potently anti inflammatory. Another plus of this diet, is that you easily mitigate poor food choices that cause inflammation and free radical damage by following this way of eating.

I recommend following my seven week health transformation plan once a year to encourage autophagy, the body’s natural healing state, and to support metabolic flexibility and insulin sensitivity.
For some people with liver or cardiovascular disease, a ketogenic diet is not indicated. Actually, we swing to the opposite end of the spectrum, avoiding fats and refined sugars implementing a simple wholefood plant-based diet. This is where we eat to reduce cholesterol and plaque formation, improve blood flow and viscosity and vasodilation. This way of eating has shown to stabilize coronary artery disease and in some cases reverse it without surgical intervention.
Inflammation is the first biological response of the immune system to infection, injury or irritation. Evidence suggests that the anti-inflammatory effect is mediated through the regulation of various inflammatory cytokines, such as nitric oxide, interleukins, tumor necrosis factor alpha-α, interferon gamma-γ as well as non cytokine mediator, prostaglandin E2. Short term inflammation is necessary too but we should aim to mitigate long term inflammation.
It is especially important for recovering athletes or anyone in general to avoid anti-inflammatory foods. There are many different factors that denote whether a food is inflammatory including the amounts and proportions of various fatty acids, the amount of antioxidants and nutrients present, and a food’s glycemic index (effect on blood sugar levels).
Not only when looking for how to heal faster but also when trying to prevent illnesses, we should avoid anything that causes blood sugar spikes and therefore insulin spikes. This means foods like grains, starchy vegetables, most fruits, baked goods, fruit juices, sugary drinks and processed foods. We also need to avoid seed oils, trans fats, hydrogenated oils, rancid oils and excessive omega-6 fatty acids. Industrialized seed oils such as soy, sunflower, safflower, corn, cottonseed and canola oils, besides being an unnatural evolutionary mismatch, are perhaps the most significant contributor to imbalanced omega-3 to omega-6 ratio producing a state of chronic inflammation that contributes to numerous chronic disease processes.
This article is possibly the most informative I’ve ever read on this neglected subject.
How do we know if a food is anti-inflammatory or not? is an excellent website that will give you a rating for food allowing you to take a quick glance at whether a food will have an inflammatory or anti-inflammatory effect, and to determine the effect of entire recipes. Foods with high IF ratings include salmon, apple cider vinegar, garlic, onions, dark green leafy greens, peppers, parsley and avocado.
Anti-inflammatory foods and micronutrients are abundant in nature. I will list some of my favorites here.
● Ginger – is a potent anti-inflammatory known to boost immune health, stimulate circulation and aid in removing toxins from your body. Two studies from the University of Georgia show that 2 grams of ginger per day helps to fight inflammation and reduce exercise induced muscle pain. You can easily grate or cut it into chunks and add it to your tea or juice it or add it to your smoothie.
An easy hack: In the blender, blend up chunks of fresh ginger and turmeric (preferably organic) with a little water. Put the concentrated paste into ice cube trays and freeze and then easily add it to your teas!
● Garlic – there are hundreds of studies showing evidence of the powerful anti inflammatory, antioxidant and immunomodulating effects of the compounds in garlic.
Try fermenting garlic and double your punch!
● Proteolytic enzymes- pineapple contains bromelain, papaya contains bromelain and meat contains trypsin and chymotrypsin. These are enzymes that help to break down protein which helps to fight pain and inflammation. They promote healing by supporting the production of cytokines, activating immune system proteins, breaking down fibrinogen and slowing blood clotting.
Use whole food sources or, if using a supplement, take it away from food so that they break down the fibrinogen in your body rather than digest the protein you’ve recently eaten.
● Antioxidant rich foods- these include blue, red and purple colored fruits and vegetables. These are rich in flavonoids that reduce inflammation, stop tissue breakdown, improve circulation and help build a strong collagen matrix.
Examples are blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, cherries, pomegranates, eggplant and purple onions.
● Apple Cider Vinegar- in a study published in the Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, results showed that the traditional remedy of using ACV for pain in arthritis did indeed have a considerable effect on people looking for how to heal faster, by reducing pain and inflammation.
● Omega-3 fatty acids- cold water fatty fish like wild caught salmon, tuna, sardines, Alaskan halibut, rainbow trout, mackerel, algae, krill oil, fish oil. When choosing a supplement, look for a 1:1 EPA:DHA ratio as mounting evidence suggests higher levels of DHA are optimal for recovery. Choose one packed with antioxidants like Vit E or astaxanthin that prevent the fatty acids from going rancid. You also want to make sure it is in a natural triglyceride form, not a less well absorbed ethyl ester form.
On a ketogenic diet we are using good fats as our main fuel source, 75% macronutrient intake, so the omega-6 to omega-3 ratio becomes even more important. We take this to upregulate neurogenesis, neuronal protection, cell membrane protection improving cells fluidity of cell communication, work with cytokines to bring down inflammation by reducing Cyclooxygenase enzymes which produce the prostaglandins responsible for triggering inflammation, helps convert stored white fat to metabolically active brown fat which increases core body temperature and encourages the body to burn more fat and hormonal health.
On a wholefood plant based diet fats are reduced to 10% of the macronutrient intake.
● Vit C- a potent antioxidant that reduces free radical damage to tissues and encourages the growth of chondrocyte and fibroblast cells to produce cartilage and connective tissues. Back in the 1940s, during World War II, physicians began routinely giving their surgical patients 1000 mg of vitamin C daily for three days before surgery, followed by 100 mg of daily C during recovery. The good news for those looking for how to heal faster is that these docs reported in the British Journal of Surgery that failure of wounds to heal properly decreased by 76 percent, with a three to six-fold increase in wound strength.
Russian researchers have shown that surgical patients who supplement with Vitamin C are discharged from the hospital one to two days earlier, compared to individuals who receive no Vitamin C. This is because Vitamin C plays a critical role in collagen formation, and collagen is the primary component of connective tissue. Use whole food sources like wholefood antioxidant powders (Acerola Cherry) rather than synthetic capsules which are cheaply made from toxic sources in labs.
● Amino acids- good quality grass-fed grass-finished meat, poultry, fish, eggs, collagen powders, bone broths and essential amino acid supplements supply the body with essential building blocks for recovery, repair, performance enhancement and fatigue reduction. Eat a good 1 gram of protein per pound of lean body mass as you prepare for your return to activity. Consider including whey isolate, as it’s an easy additive source of protein that’s been shown to improve recovery after bed rest and surgery.
● Turmeric- Is a widely popular traditional Ayurvedic medicinal plant with anti-inflammatory, detoxification and amazing anticancer properties. There are thousands of studies showing evidence of the anti-inflammatory effects of the compounds in turmeric. The research on its anti-inflammatory properties is pretty astounding, with most of the spotlight on curcuminoids: fat-soluble substances in turmeric.
However, newer research shows that there are also lesser-known water-soluble polysaccharides in turmeric that might actually have additional, more joint-specific health benefits.
Another active ingredient in turmeric are turmeric saccharides which are water-soluble, so they’re much more bioavailable to the human body.
The effects of monosaccharides on your body are astounding, especially if you’re active or suffer from soreness from overexertion. A recent study found that turmerosaccharides reduced joint tenderness, crepitation, swelling, and effusion related to overuse, while increasing joint function and flexibility. Patients with primary knee osteoarthritis received either turmeric saccharides, glucosamine sulfate, a combination of turmeric saccharides and glucosamine sulfate, or a placebo for 42 days. The efficacy of the different treatments was assessed during the treatment period, on both day 21 and day 42 of the study. The analysis of post-treatment scores following the administration of turmeric saccharides at each clinical visit showed a significant decrease in joint issues compared to the placebo. The turmero saccharides treated group also showed a significant decrease in the use of their standard medication, along with clinical and subjective improvement compared to placebo.
Another study investigated turmeric saccharides’ effect on human knee cartilage and found that it protects cartilage homeostasis, which means that it balances out the natural rate of synthesis and degradation, keeping joints happily balanced. Interleukin 1 beta (a natural protein involved with inflammation) and hydrogen peroxide (which is generally toxic to cells) are both bad news bears for chondrocytes, which are your cartilage producing cells. This study looked at the effects of turmeric saccharides by exposing these chondrocytes to these toxins with and without the turmeric saccharides, then measuring markers indicating cell degradation, aging, and death, as well as cartilage creation, degradation, and general inflammation. The presence of turmeric saccharides decreased cartilage cell destruction and general inflammation in the knee cartilage cells, and also protected compounds that improve cartilage creation, such as glycosaminoglycans and type II collagen.
In other studies done on animals, turmeric saccharides were shown to significantly reduce acute and chronic inflammation and support a balanced inflammatory response as well as increase gene expression of type II collagen. Somehow, this ancient molecule is acting as a sort of rocket fuel for the joints, which is wonderful news for any fitness enthusiast, aging individual, injured athlete or anyone else who needs a hefty dose of natural joint support.
To increase the bioavailability make sure your supplement includes a black pepper extract , Bioperine and/or phosphatidylcholine, or cook it with ghee.
● Magnesium- I recommend additional magnesium supplementation to nearly all of my clients, including those that are looking for how to heal faster. Magnesium deficiency is widespread with nearly 80% of Americans being deficient. This is due to a combination of mineral loss through perspiration and accelerated mineral turnover due to high activity levels. About two ounces of magnesium are circulating throughout your body right now, mostly in muscle and bone tissue. It is essential for over 300 enzymatic reactions in the body, including nerve and cardiac function, muscle contraction and relaxation, protein formation, and perhaps most importantly for the exercising individual, synthesis of ATP-based energy. A magnesium deficiency can result in muscle cramping, excessive soreness, inadequate force production, disrupted recovery and sleep, immune system depression, and even potentially fatal heart arrhythmias during intense exercise.
Multiple studies have shown magnesium to be effective for buffering lactic acid, enhancing peak oxygen uptake and total work output, reducing heart rate and carbon dioxide production during hard exercise, and improving cardiovascular efficiency. In addition, supplementation with magnesium can elevate testosterone levels and muscle strength up to 30 percent.
There are many different forms of magnesium so it’s best to talk with your health coach about which form is right for you. Topical application such as using a magnesium lotion or magnesium chloride spray along with a great sports massage can assist with the body’s natural recovery process and speed up healing from a workout or injury, as well as help prevent future injuries from sore and stiff muscles.
Finally, if you have a strain or sprain, topical it can be used to improve circulation and decrease pain.
How To Heal Faster By Grounding
For those of you wishing to learn more about how to heal faster, let’s have a look at the myriad of ways you can reduce inflammation and aid recovery at home.
I sleep on a grounding sleeping mat. Grounding or earthing refers to direct skin contact with the surface of the Earth, such as with bare feet or hands, or with various grounding systems. Experience and measurements show that sustained contact with the Earth yields sustained benefits. Various grounding systems are available that enable frequent contact with the Earth, such as while sleeping, sitting at a computer, or walking outdoors. These are simple conductive systems in the form of sheets, mats, wrist or ankle bands, adhesive patches that can be used inside the home or office, and footwear with a conductive plug is positioned in the shoe sole at the ball of the foot, under the metatarsals, at the acupuncture point known as Kidney 1.
In a multidisciplinary research it was found that grounding reduces or even prevents the cardinal signs of inflammation following injury: redness, heat, swelling, pain, and loss of function
An article published in the Journal of Environmental and public health says, “Emerging evidence shows that contact with the Earth—whether being outside barefoot or indoors connected to grounded conductive systems—may be a simple, natural, and yet profoundly effective environmental strategy against chronic stress, ANS dysfunction, inflammation, pain, poor sleep, disturbed HRV, hypercoagulable blood, and many common health disorders, including cardiovascular disease. The research done to date supports the concept that grounding or earthing the human body may be an essential element in the health equation along with sunshine, clean air and water, nutritious food, and physical activity.”
A DIY home remedy for those wanting to know how to heal faster from deep muscle injury, is cryotherapy. Cryotherapy, or the application of cold to an injured area has been around for centuries. Hippocrates wrote about the use of cold therapy in the 4th Century B.C to control pain and swelling and Galen, the Roman physician from the 1st century described the use of cold compresses for pain relief following soft tissue injuries.
How To Heal Faster With Cryotherapy
A DIY home remedy for those wanting to know how to heal faster from deep muscle injury, is cryotherapy. Cryotherapy, or the application of cold to an injured area has been around for centuries. Hippocrates wrote about the use of cold therapy in the 4th Century B.C to control pain and swelling, and Galen, the Roman physician from the 1st century described the use of cold compresses for pain relief following soft tissue injuries.
Cryotherapy stimulates the sympathetic branch of the ANS by inducing a hormetic stress response.
You may be familiar with Wim Hof. What a joyful character he is, isn’t he? In many ways, Wim Hof has brought the use of Cryotherapy to our attention.
Benefits of cryotherapy include increasing cell longevity, converting white adipose cells to brown, enhancing the immune system and decreasing inflammatory molecules like interleukin-6.
I recommend that you do a hot/cold contrast therapy at home everyday by taking a 5 minute shower alternating with 20 seconds of cold and 10 seconds of hot and repeat this ten times , or sit in a sauna for 5-10mins and then jump into a cold pool or shower for 2 mins. Repeat this for 20-30 mins or soak in a hot magnesium salt bath for 20 mins followed by a 5 min ice cold shower. To be totally practical, you can just start and end your day by braving a cold shower.
In terms of using topical applications of ice on an injury, the jury is out. Is it wise to follow the RICE protocol we all learnt in first aid classes?
You may like to read this article and decide for yourself.
How To Heal Faster with Breathing Exercises
One of my dear clients was hit by a car while he was training on the highway here. He is an elite athlete in peak physical condition who runs and cycles. He sustained a severe concussion resulting in the loss of his short term memory, whiplash and scrapes all over his body. I was working with the resultant whiplash and referred him for a chiropractic check up. He improved slightly but his sympathetic nervous system was switched on causing agitation, an inability to think, dizziness and cold clammy skin.
In Holland, after suffering for many months, he reluctantly saw a breathwork therapist named Hans, who gave him a technique that he practiced daily, which restored his memory and autonomic nervous system function.
In his case, the whiplash caused a lack of blood flow to the brain by affecting the vertebral arteries. The breathwork flushed his whole body and brain with much needed oxygen by opening up the Circle of Willis, he released the emotion related to the trauma, and healed himself. Hans Timmerman explains that in a majority of people, the circle of willis is not properly formed and working adequately.
Never underestimate the power of the breath.
He now gives workshops helping people with an array of diseases and will be teaching alongside Wim Hof in the future.
I have included a simple box breathing exercise to reduce stress, find focus, stabilize your heartbeat and improve concentration here.
Heart Rate Variability
HRV is simply a measure of the variation in time between each heartbeat. This variation is controlled by a primitive part of the nervous system called the autonomic nervous system (ANS). It works behind the scenes, automatically regulating our heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, and digestion among other key tasks. The ANS is subdivided into two large components: the sympathetic and the parasympathetic nervous system, also known as the fight-or-flight mechanism and the relaxation response.
The brain is constantly processing information in a region called the hypothalamus. The ANS provides signals to the hypothalamus, which then instructs the rest of the body either to stimulate or to relax different functions. It responds not only to a poor night of sleep, or that sour interaction with your loved ones, but also to the exciting news that you got engaged, or to that delicious healthy meal you had for lunch. Our body handles all kinds of stimuli and life goes on. However, if we have persistent instigators such as stress, poor sleep, unhealthy diet, dysfunctional relationships, isolation or solitude, and lack of exercise, this balance may be disrupted, and your fight-or-flight response can shift into overdrive.
HRV may offer a noninvasive way to signal imbalances in the autonomic nervous system. Based on data gathered from many people, if the system is in more of a fight-or-flight mode, the variation between subsequent heartbeats tends to be lower. If the system is in a more relaxed state, the variation between beats may be higher. I recommend practicing heart rate variability in the evenings, I have included a heart rate variability exercise here.
This suggests some interesting possibilities. People who have a high HRV may have greater cardiovascular fitness and may be more resilient to stress. HRV may also provide personal feedback about your lifestyle and help motivate those who are considering taking steps toward a healthier life. You might see a connection to HRV changes as you incorporate more mindfulness, meditation, sleep, and especially physical activity into your life. For those who love data and numbers, this could be a way to track how your nervous system is reacting not only to the environment, but also to your emotions, thoughts, and feelings. For more information click here.
For those with tough injuries to treat such as a frozen shoulder, Hans recommends extending your exhale to be twice as long as your inhale. Breath in for 4 counts, hold for 4 counts, exhale for 8 counts, hold for 4 counts. From here, you can work on increasing the length of the count so that the exhale count is 30/40 secs. You can practice this during our sessions and on your own daily for as long as it feels comfortable for you. Another practice would be inhaling, then exhaling as you count to 10 repeatedly until you cannot anymore, inhale and repeat.
This video demonstrates the autonomic nervous system’s capacity for survival after deep trauma. Click here to watch how an Impala escapes the jaws of a leopard. We can apply these movement patterns and breathing techniques to our own healing for a faster recovery.
How To Heal Faster Through Photobiomodulation
Photobiomodulation (PBM) is another DIY bio hack you can use at home if you have access to devices like JOOVV or a Photon Genius that emits visible red and near infrared light at the cellular level.
This light has been shown to stimulate your cells to generate more energy and undergo self repair by placing hormetic stress on the body to stimulate mitogenesis, the creation of more mitochondria. There is an enzyme within the mitochondria cytochrome oxidase-c that utilizes photonic energy in the form of light for enhanced cellular.
You can use infrared light therapy for speeding up the recovery of tendons, arthritis, reducing pain and inflammation by lowering pain producing chemicals like prostaglandins and interleukin while decreasing oxidative stress from free radicals, bruises, swelling and bleeding. It can also enhance deep muscle injury recovery and performance by stimulating nitric oxide release to open blood vessels and improve circulation, speed up wound healing, repair sun related skin damage, remove scars, wrinkles and stretch marks and improve fertility amongst other things.
For those looking for how to heal faster, you can use the JOOVY mini for 30mins per day for enhanced recovery which will provide you with added infrared and near-infrared exposure. Infrared Saunas like the Photon Genius penetrate more deeply into the body and have been shown to raise white blood cell counts, enhance immunity, destruct parasites and viruses, pathologic bacteria, heat tissue providing hormesis, increase blood flow to injured or recovering muscles, improve the body’s natural detoxification pathways including stimulating the migratory motor complex leading to healthy bowel movements plus many other scientifically proven benefits.
You could use it for 30mins per day for the best benefits. Once you try it you may get addicted like I did!
Please ask me about infrared/near infra red light therapy as an add-on to your session. I own one in the studio.
How To Heal Faster In A Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) involves breathing air or oxygen in a pressurized chamber. The pressure allows your body to absorb a higher percentage of oxygen.
This can be beneficial for a wide range of conditions such as autoimmune conditions, neurological conditions (concussion, traumatic brain injury, dementia and post-stroke), musculoskeletal conditions (broken bones, disk herniations, torn muscles and tendons, deep muscle injury), mitochondrial dysfunction-driven conditions (autism and most chronic and degenerative diseases), ailments involving damaged microcirculation, chronic infections (Lymes and CD), subacute infections (anaerobic bacterial and fungal infections) and cancer co-management.
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy has been shown to improve mitochondrial function, help with detoxification, inhibits and controls inflammation and optimizes your body’s energy production and healing capacity. It also activates stem cell production, and can help optimize results when doing stem cell therapy.
Typically when addressing a trauma, an injury or a condition, you will want to start with about 10 hours of treatment and see if and how your condition responds.
Progressive and degenerative conditions, or if being used for longevity purposes, will need to be used ongoing for longer periods of time. Playa del Carmen offers an array of incredible diving locations due to the second biggest reef in the world being here, so, with that said, we luckily have easy access to Hyperbaric Oxygen Chambers.
For more healthy lifestyle advice and also for experiencing the best massage in Playa del Carmen don’t hesitate to visit my practice!